Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009

The question about the original music for the show got resolved today.

I returned to Eric Myers a rare recording we are planning to use for the event.

I spoke on the phone with a famous writer about possibly being the reader of the stage directions.

Liz Smith mentioned the show again today, this time in her print column in The New York Post and Variety. Way to go, Liz!

I put this picture here apropos of nothing, except that Scott Wittman sent it to me via Facebook. He put a funny caption with it, but unless you speak Crawfordese, it would mean nothing to you. (We really have our own language, our group of Crawfordites.) I wrote him back and told him that I've actually had that wig on my head! When "the twins" were selling off some stuff in 1993 Entertainment Weekly asked me to pose wearing some of the items, and that wig was among them!

I suppose Leatrice Monsee likes to knit in her spare time, too.

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