Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

I called Lisa Estridge to thank her for saving the day at the "Legends!" performance. I had been emailing her but hadn't heard back. So I left her a voicemail message and she called me back saying that the event and its subsequent press had been great for her. That an agent had signed her because of it and she has been very busy going to auditions. And nothing has come of it for me! But that's not unusual. I am rarely asked to audition because I'm thought of as an "exotic." Probably most of the people in the audience at the "Legends!" event had never even heard me speak onstage, even though I have, a lot!

When I was visiting Scott Wittman up in Salisbury Mills the other day, we watched a bit of the Al Jolson movie "Mammy" c. 1931. Then I noticed a friend had sent me this photo of Al checking out the two dancing men in the movie "Wonder Bar."

Here's a photo of me with Lily Tomlin and another Al -- Alexis Del Lago. Taken at Akbar in Silverlake (Los Angeles).

How about a photo of 1970s NYC disco diva Rollerena? The old gal is still around; I saw her on Christopher St. a few months ago.

Here I am with Fabio, the night of "Legends!" You can see how nutty my wig was in the shot. It was nuttier in the second act than the first!

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